I went through most of my life not realizing I was disconnected from my body. I was burnt out from my job and totally lost. Most of my evenings were spent laying on my bedroom floor and in that stillness I began to find movement. It started small, rocking to massage my hips and letting tension out of my back. Slowly and unconsciously I began to connect to myself. A lot of life has happened since those early days but I’m here today to coach you through your own process and begin restoring a connection maybe you didn’t realize was lost.
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I’m here to help you navigate the impermanence, like an interpreter for you and your body. My goal is to help facilitate a relationship and then step away. Similar to introducing two friends you know will hit it off.
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-Dylan Michael
"I had chronic, debilitating neck pain from my desk job. Allie worked her magic and cured me."
-Crysta Danielle
"Allie helped me learn how to slow down, be gentle, and to listen to my body. I can't thank her enough!"
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